ThriveSupport Groups

Thrive support groups started in 2018 as a way to meet the needs of the foster and adoption community in Charlottesville and surrounding counties.

Since that time, we have expanded to include support groups for families parenting children with disabilities.

Find your community

Adoption & Foster Care

Children with Disabilities

Children with Disabilities

What: We know the road of raising children with complex care needs requires a village of people who “get it” and understand the unique challenges and joys it bring. Our mission is to offer support groups for a broad range of families and ensure no one has to walk this road alone. Our families come from a variety of backgrounds such as:

  • Domestic/international adoption

  • Foster care

  • Early childhood trauma

  • Any diagnosis, neurodivergence of disability

  • Any age, levels of support needs and backgrounds

When/Where: We have 2 options, pending on what works best for your family, please feel free to attend one or both!

  • Virtual: 2x/month Wednesday evenings from 8:00- 9:00pm over Google Meet

  • In-Person: 2x/month Friday mornings from 9:00 - 10:30am in Charlottesville (near IX park). This group includes also includes skilled childcare.

The goal of both groups is to provide a space for families to come as they are, share their highs and lows and find your community!

Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller